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Office of the Provost Accreditation

Effective Communication about Planning and Decision Making

Effective Communication about Planning and Decision Making

Topic: NWCCU 2009 Recommendation regarding effective communication about planning and decision making

Challenge/opportunity: NWCCU in 2009 recommended that WSU ensure that its decision-making process allows for appropriate and respectful participation by stakeholder groups in matters where they have direct and reasonable interest.

Actions/outcomes: WSU’s president and provost have held regular meetings with various faculty, staff, student, and other constituent groups, have convened public addresses and forums, and have provided regular communication to university-wide and targeted audiences. This has included student representation on the tuition setting committee, a president’s student advisory committee, and communication via the student regent. NWCCU concluded in 2013 that these communication processes satisfy the recommendation made in 2009.

Current/future emphasis or next steps: WSU has continued with the communication processes reported in 2013. In addition, the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) includes subcommittees that provide for transparency, accountability, data for decision support, and feedback. The IEC provides an annual progress report to the university community, and the president and provost convene town halls to discuss progress and solicit feedback.

For More Information at WSU:

NWCCU Standards Reference: 1.B.3, 6.A.3


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